CPA – Videoconferencing room

Motilde modernizes the videoconferencing rooms at CPA

CPA faced a significant challenge: equipping a large boardroom, three medium-sized rooms, and a small room with modern and user-friendly videoconferencing solutions.

Here are the needs identified by Motilde:

  • Equip a large boardroom, 3 medium rooms, and a small room with videoconferencing solutions.
  • Ensure modern and easy-to-use solutions: For every room, regardless of its size.
  • Maintain optimal videoconferencing quality for all users.

Motilde met this challenge by providing state-of-the-art technology to each of the five rooms. Whether for strategic meetings in the large boardroom or more intimate discussions in the small room, each space is now equipped with high-performance and intuitive videoconferencing tools.

Today, CPA’s users enjoy a high-quality videoconferencing experience in every room, regardless of its size. Thanks to Motilde’s expertise and innovative solutions, every meeting runs smoothly, enhancing communication and collaboration within the company.

Visual highlights of the project


  • Motilde successfully completed 5 rooms in our facilities. Everything works flawlessly and effortlessly. We will certainly recommend them to others!

    Lounès Dos Santos CIO

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